
On the brain.

shoulda wrote that paper this weekend.
i need sauce.
i am well stocked in garbage bags and toilette paper.
must do a load of sheets.
waking up in the middle of the night to a baby crying and dylan barking.
nakedlunchnakedlunchnakedlunch. psychology of an addict.
run-ins with the past.
wiffle ball prospects.
dancing machine.
mosquito bite x 10.
too much tuna in my belly. signs of mercury poisoning.
bird crap on the side of my car.
my sweater is in malina's car.
forgotten password.
Robert Butler.
5:44 train.
gnocchi party.
boots. need new boots.
car alarms.
sunny skies.
japanese songs.
dry lips.
grumbling belly.
work work work work work.