

Damn-it. I knew I wanted to do something this weekend. I totally forgot I wanted to post the play-by-play of my Colorado trip. It's almost finished, sitting on my powerbook, trapped in a Word document. This week is looking to be hectic, so hopefully I'll find time to post it. Perhaps during half time tonight. We'll see.

My week at work should be fun. Note major sarcasm. I'll save that rant for the end of the week to see if I have survived it. No use in counting my chickens before they hatch. Needless to say, I won't be online for the majority of the week.

This is how my after work schedule is looking:

Monday-- Playing with kittens via John, then Monday night football. Packers vs. Panthers.

Tuesday-- I'm supposed to be holding a secret meeting that someone who might read this blog can't know about, so I'll leave it at that. It might get re-scheduled. Then, I'm watching the Grudge (through my fingers of course, probably buried in a pillow too, I can't do scary movies).

Wednesday-- 13th Tattoo Appointment. Will it ever be finished? Ugh.

Thursday-- Stitch n Bitch of course, then Jen and I will probably keep up tradition (we started last week) and go to the Pub to practice our dart skills.

Friday-- ???

Then the weekend:

Saturday-- Beer on the Pier? Maybe?
Sunday-- ???

I'd like to eat Carvel Wednesday night. Buy one get one free. Let me know if you're interested in eating the free one (or vise versa) ;) .